I'm committed to helping the community cats!
Please complete this form if you are interested in helping FC3 or if you have outdoor cats that you would like help with fixing.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please select all that you are willing and able to help with
trapping the outdoor/feral cats
transporting cats to and from surgery
helping with fundraising
providing financial help
fostering cats/kittens
If you're able to transport, do you have an SUV that can fit 5-8 traps?
How many hours are you willing to dedicate to volunteering per month?
Are there feral cats in your area that need fixed?
If yes, address where there are feral/outdoor cats
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
County (at this time, we are only able to service Huron and Erie counties)
Approximate number of cats that need fixed
If you have feral cats, are you willing to be a colony care taker? This means ensuring the cats have food and water on a daily basis
Are you able to make a donation towards the expenses related to fixing the cats? If so, what amount are you able to donate?
Any other ways you'd like to help FC3 and the community cats?
By selecting 'I agree' I agree to let FC3 on my property to help with trapping the outdoor/community cats. I understand that the FC3 members will communicate with me prior to setting the traps. I agree to follow their instructions with regards to the safety and security of the cats.
I agree
I don't agree
By selecting 'I agree' I understand that there are risks involved with surgery and although highly unlikely, the cat may have underlying issues that can result in the cat passing away during surgery.
I agree
I don't agree
By selecting 'I agree' I understand the cat will return with an ear tip. This is the universal sign that the cat has been fixed. This happens while they are sedated during surgery. All cats that go through the TNR program are required to get an ear tip.
I agree
I don't agree
Should be Empty: