First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Sometimes I lose all feeling in my hand so that it is as if I have a glove on
When my depression becomes too severe I go out for long walks or do some form of exercise to reduce the tension
I believe that an individual's phone number is not randomly assigned but is God's way of determining one's salvation
If your shadow points to the southeast the sun is in the northeast corner of the sky
Food doesn't taste the same as it has in the past
I seldom laugh
Gold and silver are alike because they're both metals
I have noticed that my shadow dances widely even though I remain still
I can remember what I was doing one hour ago
I have noticed that my body changes shape even though my weight stays the same
The capital of Italy is Hungary
I have difficulty remembering my address
There is nothing that I can do, besides taking medication, that has any effect on the voices I hear
The United States has 55 states
The major problem I have is with my memory
Even though I'm depressed most of the time, I feel best in the morning after a good night sleep
My mood is worse at night
More than three times a day I find myself getting up to get something only to forget what it was
At times I'm so depressed I welcome going to bed early to "sleep it off"
My major problem is that my brain is injured
There are six days in a week
Recently I've noticed that my memory is getting so bad that there have been entire days that I cannot recall
I seldom cry
The more depressed I get the more I want to eat
At times I've been unable to remember the names or faces of close relatives so that they seem like complete strangers
Walking is difficult for me because of my problems with balance
I have difficulty remembering the day of the week
I believe that the government has installed cameras in stop lights to spy on me
Sometimes when writing a phone number I noticed that the numbers come out backwards even though I don't mean to do it
I have difficulty remembering today's date
People can put thoughts in my mind against my will
I have trouble sleeping
My past life and important events became a blur to me almost overnight
I believe that if you think very hard it is possible to actually see the thoughts of others
Sometimes my muscles go limp for no apparent reason so that my arms and legs feel as if they weigh a ton
I have difficulty remembering my phone number
As the day progresses my mood gets worse
The voice(s) that I hear which others do not hear, has (have) never stopped since it (they) began
I have pain in my body which seems to feel like bugs crawling under the surface of my skin
I cannot remember whether or not I have been married
I cannot count backwards from 20 to 1 without making a mistake
Flowers have magical powers like the ability to talk to people
I have no trouble falling asleep but I wake up often during the night
There is a constant ringing in my ears
I was told of an angry meeting I had with someone but I do not recall any of it
Candles are made of wax
I am depressed all the time
The voice(s) I hear which no one else hears come(s) from outside my head
While driving I sometimes forget how to get home
I have difficulty recognizing written and spoken words
The fear I have of someone hurting me is so real that I know exactly how and when they would do it
I do not seem to have the energy I used to have
When I can't remember something hints do not help
There has been no change in my sense of smell
When I'm "down", I can get the lift to my hobbies, interests or friends
A judge and a lawyer are alike because they are both part of the legal system
One day, all of a sudden, I began to hear one or more voices that other people couldn't hear.
A door and a gate are alike because they are both openings.
Although I'm able to move them with no difficulty, I have noticed several parts of my limbs are numb.
I can't seem to express my feelings.
I have difficulty remembering my birth date.
In my visions, I often see parts of bodies covered with blood.
Washington was our first president.
At times my leg, below the knee, gets limp and I'm unable to move it.
When I hear voices coming out of nowhere, I want to run but find I can't even walk without great difficulty.
I work slowly and produce a small amount because my activities are so limited.
If you have $1.50 and I take away fifty cents you will have 75 cents left.
In the series: 1-12-123 the next response would be 456.
When I hear voices, I feel as though my teeth are leaving my body.
The major problem I'm having is that things are hard for me to understand.
Once a week I suddenly find myself cold even though the actual temperature is warm.
Even though things seem pretty bad, I try to remain hopeful that they will get better.
The man had 56 apples and the neighbor gave him 37 more. He now has 83.
I find lately that I suffer from headaches and dizziness just before I forget something.
In the series -11 – 22 – 33 – the next correct answer would be 44.
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