I declare the following:1. I have read the material supplied by KARBEN Training Solutions including the program outline.2. I understand the commitment I would be making for the program both in and out of school.3. I will be able to maintain my class commitments to my subjects during this time.4. I understand the program is to see whether I would like to participate in an SBAT or post school employment opportunity in my preferred field, however it does not mean I would secure an SBAT or employment outcome.5. I agree to participate in regular evaluations and marketing activities and understand that photos and videos may form part of the program evaluation.6. I understand that, as part of the program, I will be responsible for approaching industry employers to obtain work placement opportunities with the support of KARBEN Training Solutions7. I understand transportation to and from work placement sessions are my responsibility.8. I agree to provide evidence of my vaccination status with this EOI in line with current regulatory requirements.9. I understand that should I undertake an SBAT, I will need to discuss my intent of obtaining an ATAR prior to enrolling onto the qualification. Please note: More information and permission will be required if accepted into the program, however until then please familiarise yourself with the following sites and ensure you check your emails regularly.
www.kts.edu.au (KARBEN Training Solutions) | www.sbatinnsw.info (SBAT’s in NSW)
Student Name * Signature * Date * Time *