We are in need of volunteers for our Mountainair Jubilee Event at Chavez Memorial Park. We will need volunteers for 1 - 2 hour blocks. The times you are needed are from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Volunteers will be placed at the different children's events such as the jumpers, dunk tank, etc. We aim to have 2 volunteers per event so that way in case one needs to get water or use the restroom, then the other is there. Volunteers will just make sure there is not too many kids getting on, any roughhousing, etc. You will be sitting in a chair most of the time just observing. Please bring an umbrella in case you are placed somewhere with minimal shade.
If you can volunteer, please choose an option below. Please note that you can choose all options that you are available. If you do, you will NOT work all of them unless you post that you specifically want to. If you choose multiple, it helps us with scheduling people as someone else may not be able to help during one that you can. Please notate any information you need us to know.