Minority White Coat Foundation Tutoring connects learners with a variety of experts and professionals. Tutors, instructors, experts, educators, and other professionals on the platform are independent contractors, who use their own styles, methods, and materials and create their own lesson plans based upon their experience, professional judgment, and the learners with whom they engage.
Our tutors work as a volunteer to help reinforce or develop skills and encourage “active learning” during the tutoring session. The tutor will serve as a facilitator of the learning process, filling content gaps, and will assess/modify skills for students to become more confident with possible enhancement.
We are not associated with any educational system, therefore, we cannot guarantee any grade or scoring increase according to any external company academic systems.
In consideration of being permitted to tutor students, you agree that you and your heirs, personal representatives, executors and assigns will not make a claim of any type against or sue Minority White Coat Foundation, its predecessors, successors, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and present and former officers, directors, employees, insurers, agents, assigns and representatives (these are collectively referred to in this agreement as the “Released Parties”) for any injury or damage arising from the negligence or other acts, however, caused, of the Released Parties or anyone else related to or in any way connected to the tutoring activity.