Terms and Conditions:
I understand that my child may participate in physical activities such as those held
during game time. As with any physical activity, there is risk of injury. I fully accept
this risk and hold harmless from any legal liability, CrossPointe Church and any
persons involved in the AWANA Club ministry.
In the event of an emergency that requires medical treatment for the above-named
child, I understand every effort will be made to contact me or the emergency
contact. If we cannot be reached, I am indicating below whether I give or do not give permission to the AWANA Club volunteers to secure the services of licensed
physician to provide the care necessary for my child’s well-being. I assume
responsibility for all costs connected to any accident or treatment of my child.
In an emergent situation requiring immediate medical attention, you child will be
taken the nearest hospital emergency room. My selection below indicates my
decision to give or not give my permission for a responsible person from
CrossPointe Church to have my child transported to that hospital and receive