Tenancy Privacy Statement / Collection Notice
Due to the changes in the Privacy Laws, all property managers must ensure that you (the applicant) fully understand the National Privacy Principles and the way they must use your personal information to carry out their role as professional property managers.
The information, personal or otherwise, provided by the prospective tenant in this application or that which is collected from other sources is necessary for the agent to assess the risk in providing you with the tenancy, to identify the applicant's identity and to process, evaluate and manage the tenancy. The personal information collected about you (the applicant) in this application may be disclosed, by use of the internet or otherwise, to other parties, including:
Trades People • Financial Institutions • Government and Statutory bodies • Referees • Solicitors • Property Evaluators • Existing or potential clients of the agent • Rental Bond Authorities • Tenant Databases • Other Real Estate Agents • Other Third Parties as required by law • Collection Agents • Verification Services • Other Landlords • Body Corporates
Information already held on tenancy databases may also be disclosed to the Agent and/or landlord. Unless you advise the Agent to the contrary, the Agent may also disclose such information to The Real Estate Institute of your State and to NTD, TRA, TICA, RP DATA, BARCLAY MIS or DATAKATCH for the purpose of documenting all leasing data in the area for the benefit of its members as part of membership services and for others in the property-related industries, and so as to assist them in continuing to provide the best possible service to their clients.
In providing this information, you (the applicant) agree to its use, unless you advise the Agent differently. The privacy policy of your State's Real Estate Institute can be viewed by logging on to www.reia.asn.com.au and selecting your State.
The privacy policy of NTD can be viewed by logging on to https://www.ntd.net.au or contact them on NTD – 1300 563 826
The privacy policy of TRA can be viewed by logging on to http://tradingreference.com or contact them on TRA – (02) 9363 9244
The privacy policy of TICA can be viewed by logging on to https://www.tica.com.au/ or contact them on TICA – 1902 220 346
The privacy policy of BARCLAY MIS can be viewed on http://barclaymis.com.au or contact them on BARLCAY MIS – 1300 883 916
The privacy policy of DATAKATCH can be viewed on http://datakatch.com.au or contact them on DATAKATCH – (02) 9086 9388
The Agent will only disclose information in this way to other parties to achieve the purposes specified above or as allowed under the Privacy Act. If you (the applicant) would like to access this information you can do so by contacting the Agent at the address and contact numbers for the property you are interested in renting.
You (the applicant) can also correct this information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. If your personal information is not provided to the Agent and you (the applicant) do not consent to the use of this information as specified above, the Agent cannot carry out their duties and may not be able to provide you with the lease/tenancy of the premises.