I/We authorize Strawbery Banke Museum staff to arrange for emergency care for my/our minor child/children at a local hospital, as the staff deems necessary. I/We authorize hospital personnel to provide emergency medical treatment for my/our child/children.
I/We wish that my/our child/children participate in camp program(s) which is/are organized by Strawbery Banke Museum during the winter of 2025. I assume all the risks of injury and loss arising or resulting from my/our child's/chldren's participation, hereby releasing and holding harmless the Museum, its employees or agents from liability for any such injury or loss.
Unless otherwise informed, I/We allow our child to appear in photographs taken for use in Strawbery Banke Museum publications, publicity and social media. I also agree to allow photographs from camp to be available on a password protected site, to which only fellow camp families have access.