Should my child (named above), participating in the UC Clermont College Upward Bound program, require medical attention and/or care while participating in the UC Clermont College Upward Bound program, I give my consent to medical examinations and necessary emergency treatment including drugs and x-rays, as may be deemed by the attending emergency room physician. Should an emergency arise requiring major surgical procedures and I cannot be contacted, the attending physician has my consent to act as emergency medical judgment may dictate. I understand that I, my heirs, executors, and administration forever release the staff of the Upward Bound program and the University of Cincinnati from all claims, damages, actions or cause of actions that may occur due to any decisions which they make in respect to the emergency medical care/treatment of my child. I also understand that any actions of the UC Clermont College Upward Bound staff will be guided by the best interest of my child.