Concept Paper (please submit a PDF of your concept paper using the upload button below)
The concept paper should address the following content requirements:
- Provide an overview of the need, research questions, perspectives, research design and/or development approach, and expected collaborators or partnerships;
- Clearly describe how the proposal idea meets the three primary criteria detailed in the OpenSciEd Research Agenda white paper: (1) centers equity, (2) uniquely enabled by OpenSciEd, and (3) addresses salient gaps or needs in science education.
Formatting requirements:
- 1000-word maximum, not including headers, figures, tables, and references
- Include a header with the following information: Applicant name; institution; concept paper title (should match title provided above)
- Submit in PDF form
- Use the following filename format: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_OSE_Concept
- Use an easily readable font size and typeface