I, {parentguardianName} of NRIC/Passport No {parentNric}, as the legal guardian of {fullName} of NRIC/Passport No {studentNric}, acknowledge and agree that my child's participation in Taekwondo activities at Taekwonmas Academy involves inherent risks of injury. I understand that despite the safety measures and supervision, accidents or injuries can occur.
In consideration of allowing my child to participate in these activities, I hereby waive and release any and all claims, demands, or causes of action against Taekwonmas Academy, MBW Taekwondo Club (WTF), Taekwondo Malaysia (WTF), its officers, trainers, or anyone involved in the activities at the academy, from liability for any injury, illness, or death resulting from my child's participation.
I agree not to bring any legal action or claim against the aforementioned parties in the event of injury, illness, or death sustained during or arising from my child's involvement in Taekwondo activities.
I understand and acknowledge the risks involved and accept full responsibility for any injury, illness, or unfortunate outcome that may occur while my child participates in Taekwondo activities at Taekwonmas Academy.