Salt Lake Archery and the Utah Hot Shots will once again sponsor the Utah Open. It will be held at Salt Lake Archery.
Saturday evening, following the competition, we will host a celebration of Larry Smith's life and all of you are invited.
Championship, Open, Masters, and Barebow categories will compete for cash. Men and women will compete separately in all categories. Open shooters will be divided into flights of about 15 after Saturday's shooting.
Money categories will payback 70% of registration on a 1 to 5 ratio. Archers competing for cash will be awarded a $50 bonus for EACH game of 295 for finger shooters or 300 for release shooters. All archers shooting for cash MUST compete with their competition on Sunday - no exceptions!
Trophy and JOAD shooters will be awarded Utah Open medals.
All adult archers will shoot a 30 arrow 300 round on both Saturday and Sunday. Targets will be either the Vegas 3 spot or a single spot 10 ring target. The inner ring will be a tie breaker ring only. Arrow diameter is restricted to no larger than 27XX.
JOAD archers will shoot a 30 arrow indoor JOAD round each day.