A very warm welcome to the knowledge and practice sharing expert study of the EU-funded MIMY research project (https://www.mimy-project.eu). MIMY is devoted to understanding migration/integration solutions for and with young adults, including both migrants and local populations. Participation in the study is completely CONFIDENTIAL and ANONYMOUS.
The aim of this survey is to engage people who make policy, and those who use policy (such as service providers, civil society and youth leaders), in developing policy recommendations and identifying promising practices in support of the 'integration' processes of young people across Europe.
In this study we focus on Third Country Nationals (TCN) and we use “migrants” as an umbrella term. It refers to mobile persons that fall into one of the following three categories that reflects a status of an individual: (i) migrant, (ii) refugee and (iii) asylum seeker. “Young migrants” for this study refers to young adults in those three categories aged 18-29.
In this study we target policy makers and policy users. A policy maker is a person who is responsible for policy strategy, frameworks, and the design of instruments. A policy user is a person who is responsible for putting the policy into practice (e.g. street worker; counsellor; social workers; family assistant), and adapting it to a context. Instruments linked to migrants are understood here as practices, tools and technologies which can be used to overcome challenges and to achieve aims.
Thank you very much for sharing with us your expertise, experience and time. We will contact you a few months from now to present the statistical results of this questionnaire and for the second wave of the study. In the meantime we will organise an international policy roundtable discussion to exchange knowledge, practices and plans.
Confidentiality and anonymity will be fully maintained and we will use your contact details only internally to facilitate the research process. Your contact details will stay in the confidential database of the MIMY Project, funded by the European Commission
An estimated time for completing this questionnaire is roughly 40 minutes. Thank you for your time and for sharing your expert knowledge and practice with us.
If you have any queries, please contact the researcher at your country.
Best regards, MIMY Team