Head Injury Information
Your child was given first aid for a head injury. The Health Service procedure for this type of injury is to apply a cold compress to the injury and have the child lie flat for 30-40 minutes. If none of the signs listed below appear, the child can return to class.
Please contact your doctor if you note any of the symptoms listed below:
- Persistent headache. Do not give any medication until you check with your doctor.
- Drowsiness of increased irritability. Inability to easily arouse from sleep.
- Nausea or vomiting
- Changes in respiration - difficulty breathing or bluish tinge to skin.
- Blurred or double vision, or unequal pupils.
- Inability to move all extremities, or unsteady gait.
- Fluid or bleeding from ears.
- Difficulty speaking - slurred or incoherent speech.
- Twitching or convulsions.
- Loss of consciousness.