Play is an important part of our tamariki (5 to 11 years) and rangatahi’s (12 to 18 years) lives. Take time out during this Play Week, 15th to 22nd November 2022 to connect with your tamariki and rangatahi and improve your mental and physical health through play.
Everyday activities can become play, including chores, scavenger hunts, acting out stories such as fairy tales and legends. Help them build their imagination and a range of physical, cognitive, emotional skills, while also developing their connection with you, whānau, and the wider community.
CLM Community Sport are wanting to know and see how you CHOOSE TO PLAY. Prize pack winners will be selected at the end of this week.
Please note, that information provided with your entry will be used to share on Social Media for the purpose of promoting play. To be eligible to enter, you must meet the following conditions:
1) Live in the Counties Manukau Region
2) Provide enough info on how you and your whanau play
3) Provide a photo(s) and/or video to support your entry