Meeting Seniors Needs Hotline
30141 Antelope Rd. #940 Menifee CA, 92584
"MSNH, a "One-Stop Solutions Center" for Seniors, Veterans, Persons with Disabilities, and those who care for them."
Founded in 2009, MSNH is a 501 c3) non-profit organization that provides Lifestyle Advocacy to Seniors, Veterans, Persons with Disabilities, and Those who Care for Them. Our Lifestyle
Advocates Help members of those groups preserve their right to health, independence, and dignity by assisting them in finding and accessing vital resources and aid, especially in time of immediate need.
Seniors, Veterans, and Persons with Disabilities will never again have to make a choice between buying sorely needed medicine and paying for their basic lifestyle essentials.
To defend the Rights of Seniors, Veterans and Persons with Disabilities to Health, Independence, and Dignity by challenging those who are being insensitive, unresponsive, or just down right irresponsible to "Step-Up and Do What's Right!"
Meeting Seniors Needs Hotline is an Annual Subscription Membership organization. As a member, we will provide you with any ONE service that assists you with your foremost immediate concern. Additional services will be fee based and may include travel expenses.
Member Services typically involve "Third-Party Representation" and usually require "Total-Case Management" including:
- Facilitation of All Communications
- Document Preparation & Submission
- Personal Follow-Up & Follow-Through
- Negotiating Resolutions & Settlements
- Free Educational Workshops
- Our Quarterly Newsletter