Please acknowledge the conditional requirements:
1. 20% of any monetary donations will be retained by that are to be allocated to your organization as a direct result of the events choosen. The balance (80%) will be funded to the organization listed above. Proceeds generated from this program are projected to range between $2,500 and $5,000 per organization depending how actively the organization is involved in procuurring a team to help solicit donations. Funding will occur no sooner than after 30 days upon clousure of the event. We cannot guarantee these numbers will fall in that range.
2. Your organization is encouraged to provide incentives to all participants such as fliers for our event bags, promotional products, etc.
3. You will grant permission to display your organziation logo on all marketing materials, t-shirts, etc.
4. will advertise this event through newsletters, mailings, eMail lists, bulletins, displaying posters, distribution of postcards, etc. We encourage you to do the same.
5. We will be responsible for all events costs.
6. You should not bind for any obligations without written authorization.
7. If we make more than a $500 contribution to your organization in the calender year, we will require a 1099 for Individuals and a 501C3 for charities for tax purposes.
Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of our offer by checking the acknowldgment tab below.