1) Did you check for a temperature over 100 before your shift and again during the day? Yes No 2) Have you had any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours?Yes No Fever or chillsYes No CoughYes No Shortness of breath or difficulty breathingYes No FatigueYes No Muscle or body achesYes No HeadacheYes No New loss of taste or smellYes No Sore throatYes No Congestion or runny noseYes No Nausea or vomitingYes No Diarrhea3) Have you been advised or ordered to quarantine or isolate by a health care provider or a governmental agency, or have you been on a cruise in the last 14 days?Yes No 4) Have you been within 6 feet or had direct contact with infectious secretions or excretions (e.g. coughed on, touching tissue with bare hand) of anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days without appropriate protection?Yes No