Papers for the Public Symposium
Papers on topics that deal with right right to research in international law will be considered for presentation at the public symposium. Acceptances of papers for the symposium will be based on the early drafts submitted by January 21th. Once accepted, authors can send revised drafts for inclusion in the conference materials until April 14. Authors whose works are accepted into the special volume of the AUILR will have a June 3 deadline for final published articles.
Works in Progress for Private Workshops
Projects from any academic area related to the Right to Research are welcome to apply to present at a works-in-progress workshop held during the symposium. Acceptances will be based on the early drafts or descriptions submitted by January 31. Once accepted, authors can send revised drafts or descriptions for inclusion in the conference materials until April 14.
Presentations of Proposals for Statement
We invite presenters to propose language for a scholars’ statement on protecting the right to research in international copyright. We encourage all presentations to include such proposals. Participants may apply to present a proposal without an associated presentation of academic or may be based on past work. We will conclude with a Chatham House Rule discussion of a draft statement to be finalized after the meeting and delivered to the 42nd Session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (May 9-13, 2022) and submitted to Science Magazine. Proposals are invited to address topics currently being considered by the SCCR, including:
-Exceptions and limitations for research, including for text and data mining
-Online and digital uses
-Cross border uses
-Overridability of limitations and exceptions by terms in contracts
-Safe harbor protections for researchers and research institutions
-Technical protection measures and rights management information
-Protection of research rights in any broadcast treaty