Thank you for your inquiry regarding a Pet Health Certificate for travel beyond the mainland United States. Please complete the form below so that we can let you know what tests, vaccinations, treatments, and schedules are required by the non-mainland US territories and the state of Hawaii as well as those required by various international regulations.
We are committed to providing accurate information for your pet to travel both to your destination and as well as to return to the United States (if applicable). Sometimes this process is straight forward and other times it is lengthy. At all times, it is meticulous. There are places that will quarantine your pet, return it to the United States, or, in the worst case, euthanize the animal at your expense if the requirements of the receiving country are not met. When we ask for or provide information, it is with your pet's well-being in mind.
Thank you for your understanding, patience, and cooperation. We want this journey to be successful!