Through the North Dakota Immunization Information System (NDIIS), with written parental permission, Active Minds Academy may access you child’s immunization records. All records are kept confidential and the only AMA Employees with access to the system is the owner or director. Pease see the paragraph below for information on Active Minds Academy’s Immunization Policy.
Active Minds Immunization Policy
All enrolled children are required to be fully up-to-date with their immunizations with the exception of those with a signed medical exception from a physician. A copy of your child’s immunizations is required to be turned in and kept on file throughout your child’s enrollment at Active Minds Academy. Out of date immunizations will cause a suspension in care.
*Immunization information is only available if immunizations are received within the state of North Dakota, any immunizations received out of state must be turned in by the child’s parents or guardians.