Natal Chart with Transits Reading
A transit chart is the comparison between the sky at the time of your birth vs the sky at a given moment in time. Certain planets transiting your natal chart can cause "activations" of placements in your natal chart. In other words, certain events are more likely to occur based on the energy between the planets interacting.
Once you fill out & submit this form, please check your email for a confirmation. Filling out this form saves your place in the queue. Once you're next in the queue, I will email you an invoice for your interpretation. Once payment is received, I will begin interpreting your chart.
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to the confirmation email.
Please indicate which style interpretation you'd like:
Please Select
Plain PDF ($120+)
Decorated PDF ($150+)
Please indicate timeframe for transits:
Please Select
1 year ahead ($120 plain PDF, $170 decorated PDF)
3 years ahead ($160 plain PDF, $210 decorated PDF)
5 years ahead ($200 plain PDF, $250 decorated PDF)
10 years ahead ($300 plain PDF, $350 decorated PDF)
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Location of birth:
City/Town, State, Country
Time of Birth
AM/PM Option
Location of transit (current city & state):
City/Town, State, Country
In a few words, please tell me your intention for getting your natal chart interpreted:
Example: I want to know what my strengths are, I want to know what my weaknesses are, I want to know how I can heal, I am just interested in the whole concept and want to see what you come up with. *NOTE: be as honest as possible in this section. This will help me help you. Let me know what your main area of focus is, if you have one.
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