Request Form for Offering Continuing Education Units for Events
To be submitted by a VA Conference Board, Agency, or District- Board of Ordained Ministry, Virginia Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church
Event Title
Date(s) of Event
Sponsoring Organization(s)
Event Coordinator/Registrar
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Brief Description of Event
Include event objectives and event format.
Which "characteristics" in the Characteristics for Effective Clergy does this event address?
Include event objectives and format.
List Instructor(s)
Briefly denote professional qualifications/agency affiliations.
If the event has a web page, please provide the link:
If using other forms of communication, please attach here:
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Attach a copy of the brochure, schedule, agenda, etc.
Event Location
Event Fee
Number of participants expected to attend
Number of instructional contact hours
[Refer to the Policy for Offering CEUs. If the event is to be held online, refer to the Adaptive Technology Document.]
An evaluation is required for all events granting CEUs. How will your event meet this requirement?
Name of person submitting this form (if not the Event Registrar)
Address of Submitter
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number of Submitter
Please enter a valid phone number.
Email of submitter
Should be Empty: