Chemical HazardsDoes your laboratory use or store (check Yes or No for each)?
Any Yes response requires submission of a Chemical Inventory before start of work.
Biological HazardsDoes your laboratory work with (check Yes or No for each)?
Any Yes response (excluding Vertebrate Animals or Established Bloodlines) requires completion of an IBC application.A Yes response for Human/NHP CBTO requires completion of an IRB application.A Yes response for Vertebrate Animals requires completion of an IACUC application.
Radiation and Laser HazardsDoes your laboratory use (check Yes or No for each)?
A Yes response for Radioactive Isotopes requires completion of an application to use Radioactive Materials.A Yes response for Class 3B or 4 Laser (Open or Enclosed) requires an MBL Laser Registration form.
Physical HazardsDoes your laboratory use (check Yes or No for each)?
A Yes response may require Autoclave, Hearing Conservation or MBL Power Tool Training.
Personal Protective Equipment & Engineering ControlsDoes your laboratory use (check Yes or No column for each)?
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS / REGISTRATION FORMSAs applicable to your research, please complete the forms below:Chemical Inventory Submittal RequirementsInstitutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) formInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) formIndependent Review Board (IRB) protocolRadioactive Material Use Application formLaser Registration form
SAFETY TRAINING REQUIREMENTSAll Whitman Center and Advanced Training Course personnel are required to take the Chemical Safety Training annually (online or in person). As applicable, training is required for the followingControlled Substances Usage, Biosafety, Select Agent Usage, Radiation Safety, Laser Safety, Autoclave, Bloodborne Pathogens and Hearing Conservation. Please contact MBL Safety at or 508-289-7424 for more information.