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First Name
Last Name
Email ID
Mobile Number
Your Preschool/School Postal Address:
Preschool/School Area Pincode
Your Preschool/School name:
Please write Website address of your preschool/school? (Optional, if you have)
Which year did you start your preschool centre/school/kindergarten section?
Number of Students in your preschool centre/section?
Please Select
Less than 10
Between 10-50
More than 50
What is the total area of your preschool ? ( write in Sq.ft.)
Number of Teachers in your preschool centre/section?
How much is the Average Annual Fees per Student in your school/Preschool ? Please write per year average Fees per student.
Please upload few images of your school/Preschool (optional, if available)
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What is your Current Student Strength?
15-25 Students
26-50 Students
51-70 Students
70-100 Students
Above 100 Students
What is Average Fees charged per Student Annually?
Less Than Rs. 18,000/- per year
Between Rs.18000/- to Rs. 25,000- per year
Between Rs. 25,000/- to Rs. 35,000- per year
Between Rs. 35,000/- to Rs. 45,000- per year
Above Rs.45,000/- per year
Please write the names of leading competiting Preschools/Schools in your area? ( upto 3 km. radius from your school)
Form Name
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