Expenses other than those specified below will need to be agreed in advance by FPM
i. Rail / Air Fares
Rail: Whenever possible please book Advance Fare tickets to obtain the best prices. Standard Class fares only will reimbursed. If you prefer to travel first class you can do so but only claim for standard class travel (you will need to submit proof of the standard fair, we recommend you take a screen shot of the booking page for your day and time of travel).
Air: Economy class only - taking advantage of any reduced fares and low-cost airlines when possible. If you prefer to travel super economy or business class you can do so but only claim for economy class travel (you will need to submit proof of the economy fair, we recommend you take a screen shot of the booking page for your day and time of travel).
ii. Mileage
FPM will pay car mileage at the rate of 45p per mile (HMRC Approved Mileage Rate for journeys), and car parking fees, but FPM will not normally reimburse congestion charges. To claim for mileage you should provide the postcode/venue for the start and end of the journey. If the journey was not direct please provide details. It is the claimant’s responsibility to ensure that appropriate motor insurance cover is in place.
iii. Other Travel
Taxi fares will only be reimbursed when public transport is unavailable or impractical (please give full details). Late night travel by taxi is permitted when on the grounds of personal safety. Public transport (London Underground, bus, train) should be used whenever possible.
iv. Accommodation and Meals
Accommodation: overnight expenses covering an evening meal (excluding alcohol), breakfast and hotel accommodation will only be reimbursed when this is necessary or more cost effective than travelling on the day:
- Maximum allowance for bed and breakfast accommodation in London is £200 per night (including VAT)
- Maximum allowance for bed and breakfast accommodation outside London is £150 per night (including VAT) or the cost of an equivalent standard to a UK-4 Star Hotel if staying outside the UK
- An evening meal up to £35 can be claimed, but only as part of an overnight stay
Subsistence: FPM will contribute up to a maximum of £35 (inclusive of VAT and Service) towards the cost of an evening meal where an overnight stay is agreed. The total maximum allowance for light refreshments is £20 (inclusive of VAT and Service) may be claimed for daytime travel when associated with FPM business (evening meals can only be claimed as part of an overnight stay).
Other: Costs of alcohol will not be reimbursed.
v. Other expenses
If you incur expenses not detailed above these must be agreed in advance by FPM.
vi. Receipts
Expenditure will not be reimbursed without supporting receipts, except:
- Receipts for bus and Underground tickets are not required
- Receipts for single transactions for subsistence up to a value of £5.00 are not required
- Expenses are normally reimbursed within 14 days by bank transfer to UK bank accounts
- If you would like to be reimbursed by cheque or by bank transfer to a bank outside the UK in a currency other than Sterling please contact FPM
- FPM will not be liable for bank charges within the UK banking system
This policy covers the reimbursement of the individual claimant’s out of pocket expenses (as specified above). FPM reserves the right to automatically reduce the claim where appropriate receipts are not provided or expenses fall outside this policy.