Delegate at Large Interest Form
Complete the form below if you are interested in serving as a delegate at large for Girl Scouts River Valleys.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Are you a current Girl Scouts River Valleys member?
Yes, I am a current member.
No, I am not a current member.
Are you an adult or Girl Scout member?
Girl Scout (Must be 14 years of age by October 1)
If no, don't worry and
join today
To be Completed by a Parent or Legal Guardian
I consent that Girl Scouts River Valleys can provide their services and communicate with me via mobile phone, messages, e-mail and any kind of online communications, provided that these communications comply with privacy regulations.
Yes, I agree.
No, I do not want to receive electronic communications.
Should be Empty: