Big Trees MD Patient Survey
Let us know how we're doing!
Overall satisfaction of service
Not At All
My practice makes it easy for me to get care.
My practice is able to provide most of my care.
In caring for me, my doctor considers all factors that affect my health.
My practice coordinates the care I get from multiple places.
My doctor or practice knows me as a person.
My doctor and I have been through a lot together.
My doctor or practice stands up for me.
The care I get takes into account knowledge of my family.
The care I get in this practice is informed by knowledge of my community.
Over time, my practice helps me to stay healthy.
Over time, my practice helps me to meet my goals.
Who Is Your Primary Physician?
Dr. Concepcion
Dr. Fillo
I See Another Physician as my primary.
I See a non-physician provider as my primary.
Additional thoughts on the practice and how else we can improve our service:
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