Please choose your preferred arrival time below. Due to the nature of being a mobile practice serving most of Suffolk County, we can not give exact appointment times. Therefore, our appointments are made as 4-5 hour time slots.
Your estimated arrival window begins at the time you select, e.g.:
(11am appointments - estimated arrival time is 11am-5pm).
(12pm appointments - estimated arrival time is 12pm-6pm).
(1pm appointments - estimated arrival time is 1pm-7pm).
(2pm appointments - estimated arrival time is 2pm-7pm).
(3pm appointments - estimated arrival time is 3pm-8pm).
(4pm appointments - estimated arrival time is 4pm-8pm).
We will contact you when we are on our way to you; usually about a half hour before we will arrive.
While we strive to be timely, in the case of an emergency or other unforeseen circumstance, we may need to ask you to adjust your appointment time. Please know that we only do this as necessary, and ask for your understanding, as we would do the same for your pet.