Contact Us
Lexington United Methodist Church is a place where people Seek, Serve, and Share Christ, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for God's glory.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please tell us about yourself (check all that apply):
I am visiting for the first time
I have visited here before
I am new to the area
I am searching for a church home
I am a member of LUMC
I am ready to become a member of LUMC
I am looking to transfer my membership from another UMC
I regularly attend or am a member of another church
I'd like to connect with a group
I would like to know more about Lexington United Methodist Church
I have a prayer concern (please indicate your prayer concern in the message box. All submissions are kept private)
Would you like someone to contact you?
I am interested in the following volunteer opportunites (check all that apply):
Sunday School Teacher (background check required)
Youth Group
Door greeter
Communion Steward
Music ministries
Tech Team
Baby Grace
Community Outreach
Bible Study
Hospitality (coffee/donuts)
Commodities distribution
Harvesters distribution
Building/Grounds Maintenance
Other (please describe below)
Do you have a musical talent you would be willing to share during worship?
If yes, please explain:
Please verify that you are human
Should be Empty: