District 6 Dairy Princess Contest Participation Agreement
2025 Pre Contest and Contest Dates:
- Application Deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025
- Pre-Contest Orientation: Location and time TBD
- Interview and Contest Date: Saturday, May 10, 2025
In addition to the requirements set forth by the CMAB, the District 6 Dairy Princess Committee further requires contestants to abide by the following rules and requirements:
1. Dairy Princess and Dairy Princess are expected to comply with all duties required of their title as outlined in the contestant handbook which include but are not limited to:
- School Visits:
- Dairy Princess to do 8 appearances
- First Alternate to do 6 appearances
- (These school visits are to be scheduled by the Dairy Princess/Alternate around her available time. Please contact Dairy Princess coordinator if you need assistance for locating schools to contact.)
- The Dairy Princess and Alternate should be available for personal appearances in their district during the year in which she reigns. You must be available for all major fairs, parades and any industry activities that take place in the district when attendance is requested and attend the District 6 Dairy Princess contest the following year.
- Abide by the no drug, no alcohol, and no profanity requirements, outlined in the Spokesperson Agreement, while serving as the Dairy Princess/Alternate representative.
- Abide by the code of conduct and dress code of CMAB as outlined in the Spokesperson Agreement.
2. A complete list of activities will be required to be given to the Dairy Princess Committee and CMAB before scholarship monies will be paid.
3. Attend CMAB Dairy Princess Training and Orientation Week, June 23 through 27, 2025.
4. Attend CMAB Annual Meeting (Meeting location and date to be determined).
5. Be a presenter at least one day at KC's Ag Education Farm Camp-June 2025
6. Attend Kern Ag Foundation's Teacher's Ag Seminar banquet-July 2025
7. Attend dairy shows at the Kern County and/or Mid State Fair. If Mid State Fair is not available, must attend in Kern County-July/Sept 2025
8. Attend at least one if not two CWA meetings. One in fall, one in spring-2025/2026
9. Attend at least one Kern County or SLO County Farm Bureau meeting-2025/2026
10. Attend Kern County Farm Bureau's Farm Day in the City-March 2026
11. Attend Dist 6 annual meeting-TBA
12. Attend Dist 6 Dairy Princess Contest-May 2026
13. Contact Dairy Princess Coordinator every month or as often as needed to recap events attended and discuss upcoming events that should be attended.
14. Compile an outline at the end of the year listing all activities, month by month, attended by her and/or alternates. Outline must be given to CMAB and Dairy Princess Coordinator one week prior to Dairy Princess Contest. A complete list of activities will be required to be given to the Dairy Princess Committee before scholarship monies will be paid.
15. Official Appearance Forms, which will be provided, must be completed prior to each event.
16. Mileage Reimbursement Forms, which will also be provided, must be completed within 30 days after attending an event.
If any of these requirements are abused, not followed, or not completed, the District 6 Dairy Princess Committee reserves the right to remove the crown, title, and/or any benefits or awards received as the result from being the Dairy Princess or Alternate which includes scholarship awards.