Flag a Design for Minted to Review
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Design that I think is similar to another Minted design and Minted should not accept it
Design that I think copies another design
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URL of the original design
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URL for the design that you want us to review
Upload a screenshot of the design you want us to review, if URL is not available (optional)
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Do you have evidence that the original design predated the design that you’re flagging?
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Please let us know what evidence you have that the original design predates the design you're flagging.
Where is the design that you want us to review?
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In a Minted Challenge, not yet for sale on Minted
For sale on Minted
On another website
Name of the artist and/or company whose design you want us to review
Which elements do you think are too similar or copied?
Please add any additional information that you want us to consider (500 characters or less):
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