Students entering 9-12th grades during the 2025-2026 school year, and who are enthusiastic about the performing arts (acting, band, music, etc.), are invited to audition for a FOPA scholarship. Two $1,000.00 performing arts scholarships will be awarded.
- Be registered to attend High School at St. Joseph Catholic Academy for the
2024-2025 school year.
- If selected for this award, you must participate in at least one Performing Arts that we offer.
Scholarship Requirements
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a teacher/ counselor.
- Include a copy of your first semester 24-25 report card.
- Upload a copy of music or script.
- Attend the audition on the designated audition date on April 14th.
All relevant documents must submitted together by Friday, March 16th, 2025 with the scholarship application to be considered complete.