Welcome to the Maydale Reserve at Horsham Showgrounds.
Our showers are clean but modest and typical of showgrounds, however we have brand new accessible toilets!
Our small stables are in an undercover block, have aged timber stalls with dirt floors. Please bring your own straw for bedding. Stables will be allocated on a first in best dressed system on arrival. Please phone Andrea on 0400 425 254 if you have any queries.
Our large stable block has individual boxes, fully enclosed with cobblestone floors. Bedding is recommended. If you need straw bales for bedding, please contact Dylan for delivery. He requires 48 hours notice. His number is 0498 842 988.
We have a 3 bay concrete horse wash, complete with hose. Please ensure it remains at the wash for others to use.
We also have 4 secure horse yards.

If you are meeting a horse specialist at the Maydale Reserve (this is private land owned by the Horsham Ag Society) or travelling with horses and need a break between long distance driving, you are welcome to use our facilities to water and exercise your ponies. We also have a straw pit if you need to clean out your float. The facility fee for this is $11 and payable prior to arriving (out of hours) or pop into the office Tuesday - Thursday between 10am - 5.30pm). Please phone ahead if your arrival is out of office hours as the grounds are locked each night.
The Maydale Reserve which is part of the Horsham Showgrounds are owned by the Horsham Agricultural Society. We are responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of the facility which hosts approximately one event per week, therefore booking is essential.
Please use the bins to dispose of any rubbish and if you're unable to clean out your stalls, the $30 stable bond/cleaning fee is retained for each stable. Self cleans mean we will reimburse your $30 after your departure. Please text us your bank account details on 0400 425 254.
*If you clean out your stalls, please use the concrete straw pit to discard soiled straw. Please bring own pitchfork etc. We will issue a refund as soon as possible.
Enjoy your stay!