Stockton Arts Grant Application
Part 1: Applicant Overview
Organizational/Artist Background - Provide a detailed description of the applicant’s background, including their expertise and experience not to exceed 500 words. Be clear and concise in providing details including the applicant’s history/career, mission, significant accomplishments, and current work or projects. Clearly identify your eligibility as one of the following: Non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3), Arts agency, Arts organization, Artist community, Individual artist, Student artist, Arts educator, Education agency, Other organization or if you are applying as a Collaborative Proposal with a designated “Project Principal”. Identification of Project Leader(s) - Provide a detailed description of the project leader(s) background/relevant qualifications and their role in the project not to exceed 500 words. Be clear and concise in providing a summary of the applicant’s bio, significant accomplishments, and what their involvement/responsibilities will be within the scope of the proposed project. Applicant will be asked to include a resume, bio or artist resume for each proposed project leader.
Part 1 response
Part 2: Project Description
Description of Proposed Project - Providea detailed description of the project concept and title of the proposedproject. Be clear and concise inproviding the vision for how your project will impact and benefit the residentsof Stockton. You will be required to answer the following questions about yourproject: Project Scope: Describe the scope of this project includingpurpose, goals, and a compelling reason why the proposal should besupported. Describe the short- andlong-term effects this project will have on participants lives and anyeducational components of the project. Background provides perspective and is often a welcome component. Project Targeted Audience (Who?): Who will benefit from this project? Which social demographic(s) do you feel willbenefit directly this project? Project Strategy/Outline of Project Activities(What?): Describe the project’sactivities and overall strategy including method and process of accomplishinggoals and objectives, outline of activities, and brief description of personnelfunctions, if applicable. Project Timeline (When?): Provide a project timeline with keymilestones and dates, including start and end dates, schedule of activities,major tasks to be completed, a schedule of major milestones, and phases of theproject (if necessary). Project Location/Venue (Where?): List and describe the location/venue(s) wherethe project will take place. Project Goals and Objectives (Why?): Describe the overall project goals andidentify the specific project objectives that will need to be met to accomplishthose goals.
Part 2 Response
Part 3: Expected Outcomes and Evaluation Plan
Expected Outcomes Summary - Describethe potential long-term benefits and outcomes that could emerge from theproposed project. Does the project haveany social significance or encourage the community in the form of new thinkingand behaviors that lead to improvements in the community’s economic, social,cultural and intellectual well-being? Not to exceed 300 words. Evaluation Plan - Describeyour plan of action including the methods you will use to evaluate projectoutcomes not to exceed 300 words.
Part 3 Response
Part 4: Project Budget
Project Budget Form - Completethe Project Budget Form, list all income and expenses as they relate to theneeds of the project. Budget Justification - Fullyjustify all budget costs in terms of the needs of the project, keeping in mindthat the appropriateness of the requested budget and justification of theproposed costs are scored as part of the overall review criterion. Describe what specific items would be coveredby a grant from the Stockton Arts Commission. Project Income Sources -Specifically, describe the sources of your projected project income andexpenses. If sponsorships and/orfundraisers are listed on your budget form, describe the source of thosesponsorships and fundraisers in detail.
Part 4 Response
Part 5: Project Strategy for Marketing and Promotion
Marketing and Promotion Plan - Describehow you have built marketing and promotion into your project plan. Be clear and concise in providing a summaryof how you plan to inform and engage your target audience, this plan must alsoinclude a portion on how you plan to recognize a grant from the Stockton ArtsCommission.
Part 5 Response
Part 6: Previous Grant Project Status
Disclosure of Previous SAC Grant Awards andFinal Project Status - Applicant is asked to state whether they ortheir organization have received a previous SAC grant. If yes, applicant must list grant requestssubmitted to the SAC and grants received from the SAC during the past fiveyears (include project title, award year, awarded grant amount, and projectstatus including whether a final report was submitted).
Part 6 response
Part 7: Supplemental Materials
Two work samples are requested for eachapplication and should be uploaded directly to the grant application. Work samples and other supporting materials submitted with a grant application become the property of the SAC and will not be returned. Due to the number of applications, we receive, members of the reviewing subcommittee cannot review more than two supplemental files per application. Please limit the number of links to two if submitting URL links to a website or outside web host. Due to the number of applications, we receive, members of the review committee cannot review more than two links per application. Please note that the application accepts the following file types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, csv, txt, rtf, html, zip,mp3, wma, mpg, flv, avi, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, mp4 (5MB max file size) Work samples may include image files, audio files, or video files. Any video representations of an artist's work not to exceed 60 seconds in length. When work samples exceed 60 seconds in length, panelists will be instructed to review only the first 60 seconds. Ideally, work samples should be edited to a length of 60 seconds. Considerations for literary presentations: Applicants are requested to submit an audio or video sample of the writer reading/presenting their work as a work sample. A PDF or DOC of biographical information on the writer/playwright/poet should also be provided. Considerations for video submissions: Video representations of an artist's work should be a performance sample rather than a promotional video. Ideally, samples should show the work that will be performed for the applicant's project. Considerations for existing projects: Samples of existing event/activities calendars, programs, and posters that demonstrate the nature of the event are welcomed. Notes regarding the online application form and its use: When accessing the online application form, please ensure that the device you are using has cookies and scripts enabled in order to properly view the online application form. There is no login is required to access/complete the application form online. Do not use commas for any currency values submitted to the Application or Budget form, decimal points may be used. It is highly recommended that you prepare your application in a separate document and cut and paste your responses into the online application form when ready. Give yourself an appropriate amount of time to complete and submit your application in one session; the online application form does not offer applicants the option to save entered information and return later to edit their application. Every effort is made to test any links provided within this document on a range of computers, browsers, and operating systems prior to their publication. However, the Stockton Arts Commission does not have the capacity to address/troubleshoot IT issues that individuals may encounter during the online application process. Applications must be completed in full and submitted no later than December 30, 2021 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time; Applications submitted or edited after the application deadline will be determined as ineligible. Ineligible applications will not be reviewed. Please Note: To allow time to resolve any problems you might encounter; we strongly recommend that you submit your application at least 7-10 days before the deadline.
Part 7 Response
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