New Horizon Ranch Rules
Anyone riding at New Horizon Ranch must read, understand and sign a Release & Hold Harmless Agreement. No one is to get on a horse without signing such an agreement.
Boots with appropriate heels are mandatory at all times while riding in a saddle.
Helmets are mandatory at all time for any rider on the property of New Horizon Ranch.
Do not feed the horses/other animals without prior permission.
All dogs must be kept on a leash at all times, and away from the horses. Disruptive dogs will spook horses.
Stallion Pen is out of bounds, no one should be in Rio's pen, or handling him.
Please do not enter mare/foal field without supervision
Please do not enter goat/petting zoo pen without permission/supervision.
Please ensure all pasture gates are kept properly securedat all times.
Please respect our privacy as this is our home.
Maximum driveway speed is 10km/hr. The yard is subject to use by children, horses, dogs, cats, cattle, llamas and who knows what else. There are usually critters loose in the yard in the summer to mow the lawn so please keep the gate to the road closed at all times.
Please do not leave garbage around the yard and use garbage cans provided.
If a rider or a horse should fall, STOPall movement immediately. Make sure horse and rider are ok before resuming your ride.
Please behave polite and considerate towards other children as well as adults.
Unruly children will not be tolerated, failure to cooperate and follow the rules will result in a phone call to parents, and they will be sent home!!!
Everyone is here to have fun so let’s keep it fun for everyone; picking on other campers will not be tolerated.
Thank you and let’s have lots of fun.