We may have their details already. Please telephone the Aerobility Front Desk on 0303 303 1230 or email frontdesk@aerobility.com before proceeding.
If you don't want to hear from us, or change your mind about how we contact you, please email frontdesk@aerobility.com or call 0303 303 1230. For more information on how we manage your data, please see our privacy policy.
Please provide the information below that will help Aerobility's Instructors and staff to assess your needs. We are happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have prior to the flight.
Please view this short video for information about accessing our aircraft
For Aerobatic Flights you may experience forces between +4g positive and -1g negative, so please ensure that you are fit enough to cope with these forces (like being on a rollercoaster) and discuss any concerns fully with the instructor before the flight.