Statement of Expectations
Jobs Partnership helps people discover a path to the job they were made for. LifeWorks training is a solution to help people find a path to a better-paying job. Through career planning, soft skills training, and the journey to discover their purpose, our participants can move away from public assistance and build a better future through one or more of the following paths:
- Addressing a barrier to gaining a job
- Pursuing a job opportunity
- Job growth in their current position
- Career training
As a volunteer in LifeWorks, I agree to support the following principles and standards in my role:
1. I understand that LifeWorks is a Biblically based training for improving employment readiness and retention. The work-related principles from the Bible are foundational to the program and critical for success on the job.
2. In my service as a Team Leader, Coach, Head Coach, Site Coordinator, or Instructor, I agree to support and affirm the content contained in and presented through the LifeWorks curriculum by following the lesson plans and reinforcing the principles using work-related illustrations.
3. As a Biblically based training program, I will do my part in covering the program and participants in prayer weekly.
4. I am committed to modeling a personal and professional lifestyle for the participants that is consistent with the principles that are presented in the LifeWorks training.
5. I understand it is not my responsibility to provide any of the participants enrolled in the LifeWorks class with financial assistance. I will encourage and assist the participants in accessing Jobs Partnership’s network of community resource partners. I will respect the participants’ privacy by not discussing their personal situations with other participants or people outside the program.
6. I agree to hold the participants accountable for successful completion of the graduation requirements by monitoring and recording their progress throughout the 12-week process. I will assist them in the development of personal and career goals and challenge them to apply the course material and take personal responsibility for their life decisions.