I understand that this treatment CANNOT be used by pregnant or lactating women, people under the age of 14, people with gum disease, open cavities, leaking fillings, or other dental conditions, or people with a known allergy to peroxide and/or to aloe vera. People that have had braces removed should wait 6 months for cement residue to wear off before getting a teeth whitening treatment and people with a piercing or other metal objects in the oral cavity should remove them before the treatment as they may turn black. If I feel a sharp pain on a particular tooth during the treatment I should stop the treatment and contact my dentist since this could be a sign of an open cavity.
By signing this document, I indicate that I am not ineligible as per the criteria listed above, that I have read and fully understand this entire document including the possible risks, complications and benefits that can result from the treatment, and that I am performing this treatment under my own responsibility. I also certify that I HAVE HEALTHY TEETH AND GUMS. Please Note: It is advised that you have had a dental cleaning in the last 6 months.