Youth volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an older sibling or an adult. Parents MUST fill out an Adult Volunteer Form if their child is under 18. After training, if we feel that the youth volunteer is responsible, that volunteer might be allowed to be at the shelter under the supervision of an adult volunteer rather than a parent or sibling. We will inform you if we feel that you meet our requirements.
Please understand that we are concerned, not only with the welfare of our animals, but also with the welfare and safety of our volunteers. We will not be held responsible for scratches, nips, bites, or any other injuries that may occur while on Precious Paws Humane Society's property or while handling or helping with the animals.
At all times, while volunteering for Precious Paws Humane Society, youths will be under the supervision of a properly trained adult (we are not a babysitting service). Youths will be allowed to volunteer for up to 2 hours for 2 days per week, so as to allow other youth volunteers to come to Precious Paws and volunteer. These hours may be extended if the young volunteer is deemed responsible. If the youth does not follow the rules, they will be dismissed.