Become a Currency Supplier at
To become a Currency Supplier, you may fill the form below. If you will provide incorrect information or miss any parts of the form, your application may be declined without explaining the reason.
Discord tag
Telegram/Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
In which game(s) would you like to provide services:
World of Warcraft: Retail Gold
World of Warcraft: Classic Gold
Diablo 4
Path of Exile
Final Fantasy XIV
New World
Lost Ark
Diablo Immortal
Which game(s) not yet supported on Overgear would you like to sell?
We will add them for sure!
What server and faction do you farm gold and how much can you make it per week? (only for WoW Gold Sellers) IF YOU FARM ON 30+ SERVERS JUST WRITE "30+"
Example: EU - Thrall - Horde - 500k
What league do you sell orbs on? (only for Path of Exile)
League Softcore
League Hardcore
What region do you farm coins on and how much can you make it per week ? (Only for New World)
What server do you farm gil on and how much can you make it per week ? (Only for Final Fantasy XIV)
Example: EU - Chaos - Cerberus - 10mil
What server do you farm gold on and how much can you make it per week ? (Only for Lost Ark)
Join Overgear Recruiting Discord server.Don't leave it please, we need to share a server to maintain contact with you, this is important.
Server joined
[REQUIRED] Send a friend request to @overgear.scouting in Discord and send us a message right away. Example: "Hello! I've just sent an application to become a supplier." If you can't message us - Right-click on our **Overgear Recruiting Server** -> Privacy settings -> Direct Messages set to "On"
Message sent. I understand that you may not be able to contact me if this step is not done.
Please write your Name and Surname
First Name
Last Name
Where are you from?
We work with all people around the world!
Date of birth
Should be Empty: