* Important Note: This application should be completed in one attempt — your answers will NOT be saved. This form should take about 30-45 minutes to complete. *
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Greater Birmingham Arts Education Collaborative Teaching Artist! We are looking forward to learning what unique expertise you may bring to our students and community.
MACIG CITY MINDS™ - Our programs are created on the belief that the arts are an essential part of education. We collaborate with schools to infuse the arts into the classroom by providing weekly, standards-based arts instruction that is specially designed by the collaborating teacher(s) and you to meet their goals.
BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH - Our Teaching Artists are provided mentoring assistance, professional development, and the support of a community network. Although experience in education is preferred, artists with limited teaching experience are also encouraged to apply.
This program is an initiative of the Alabama Artistic Literacy Consortium, and Birmingham is one of three regions statewide launching this program. To learn more about the Arts Education Collaborative's mission and goals, please visit: https://birminghamartsed.org/
"I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are other great artists. Teaching may even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit."
--John Steinbeck