Hi, my name is First Name * Last Name * . I'm the your job title * of your business name * and I'm applying today for the possibility to work with you.Our business is currently selling Please Select $0-80k$80-100k$100k-500k$500k-1MOver $1M * per month. Please Select None1-10%11-20%21-30%31-40%41-50%Over 50% * of our sales come from email and I would love to get that to Please Select 21-30%31-40%41-50%Over 50%As much as you think is possible * this year with your help.I'm aware that your done-for-you services start at $3,000 per month.I'm excited about the opportunity and would love to jump on a call to discuss further. I will schedule my call on the next screen and make sure to attend on time.Excited to chat, thank you!