Core Internship Values & Required Intern Commitments:
- I am willing to learn and take instruction.
- I understand that I will maintain a strong core belief in essentials of the faith, like those articulated in the Apostles’ Creed. I also understand that I will also both demonstrate flexibility on non-essentials, and expect host church flexibility as well.
- In crossing culture and church, I understand that I am going to demonstrate the utmost respect for differences in approach and ways of thinking.
- I understand that I hope to be bringing some ideas and face to face ministry to this new context
- My lifestyle is consistent with a Christian witness in my relationships and choices.
- I realize that I will be expected, during at least the duration of the internship, to attend worship and be visible in this new context. I will do my best to know not just complete the required ministry expectations, but also to get to know as many people in the church as possible.
- I will do my best to fulfill the work required in this internship I am applying for. If I do not overtly identify a context above, I will await contact by Undivided in Christ leaders to assess my options.