You can submit finished work(s), work-in-progress, or a video sketch of work in the studio.
No short clips as in promo reels. Please make sure each cut or section is at least 2 minutes continuous, not jumping around from high point to high point.
We cannot guarantee that the panel will watch more than 2 minutes of each sample. So choose cue point(s) with that in mind. However, having a longer section available—in case the panel wants to view further—is a good idea!
YouTube or Vimeo links preferred–or possibly some other online platform. The work should as best as possible represent your current areas of investigation.
HINT- See how to link to a specific portion of your video:
on YouTube on Vimeo
- Title
- Year of Premiere + Year of Performance, if different
- Credits, including your role in the production
- Viewing points if needed – For example: “Please watch minutes 8-11 of this sample. Or use the above HINT to link to a specific starting point in a longer video.
- Length of sample & length of complete piece, if an excerpt. Also where in the piece this was. For example: This excerpt begins 30 minutes into a 55 minute piece.
- How does this video relate to or support anything you have written about in your Artist Statement?