Please Note: It is important that you can be reached today at the number(s) you’ve provided so that the doctor can discuss any health concerns regarding your pet or in case of emergency. If you cannot be reached, our doctors will make any necessary medical or surgical decisions that they feel is in the best interest of your pet.
Our doctors use the safest anesthetic and surgical protocols available for our patients. However, no anesthetic or surgical procedure is completely without risk. Complications may range from mild nausea to prolonged recovery, and in rare circumstances, even death. Preanesthetic bloodwork testing helps to identify many clinically silent conditions that may pose an unusual anesthetic risk for the apparently healthy patient. If more extensive testing is recommended, this will be discussed by the doctor.
Patient comfort and effective pain management are top priorities at our hospital. Patients that receive analgesic medications are less anxious, have decreased anesthetic risk, and recover from procedures more rapidly. Our doctors strongly recommend pain management for most surgical and dental procedures. Please ask us if you have any specific questions regarding post-operative pain control.