Please find some questions below in relation to your enquiry regarding a Buy Back of the Homesafe Sale Interest. Upon receipt of your form, we will provide the relevant documents you will need to start the process, including the Vendor Notice, which once returned to Homesafe will enable us to organise a Valuation of your home.
Your Lead Number (eg LD0000123)
This can be found on the email sent to you or at the top of any letter sent to you by Homesafe
Your Name:
First Name
Last Name
Please select which statement applies to you:
Please Select
I am a Homesafe Customer
I am submitting on behalf of a Homesafe Customer
Please provide a name of at least one of the Homesafe Customers
First Name
Last Name
If you are not the Homesafe Customer, please provide additional information below to assist the Customer's enquiry, including your relationship to the Customer.
Property address where a Homesafe Contract is in place.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Post Code
Your E-mail address:
Please note if the email address does not match our records, we may contact the Customer directly for more information.
Home Phone Number for Property:
Mobile Phone Number for Customer:
Questions regarding the Buy Back of the Sale interest:
Please provide us with some more information so we can assist you with your enquiry.
Please select the option below which relates to your enquiry today.
I am looking to Buy Back the Sale interest as I have funds available to do so.
I am moving into Aged Care and want to complete the Homesafe Contract.
I am looking to sell my home to a related party or transfer ownership of my home to someone else.
Please select the option below which relates to your enquiry today.
I am making an enquiry on behalf of the Homesafe Customer as the family wish to complete the Homesafe Contract and acquire the Homesafe share.
The Homesafe Customer has moved into care and family or others are seeking to Buy Back the Homesafe Sale Interest at this time.
The Homesafe Customer is looking to sell the home to a related party or transfer ownership of the home to someone else.
Please advise if you have already engaged a Solicitor and/or Conveyancer to assist with the sale.
Please Select
Please note that as the Land Titles system now operates on an electronic platform called PEXA, a discharge of the Homesafe interest in the home can only occur via the PEXA platform and therefore a legal representative must be engaged to complete this process.
Solicitor/Conveyancer Name of Person engaged
First Name
Last Name
Solicitor/Conveyancer Name of Firm
Solicitor/Conveyancer Email
Your Estimate Value of the home today.
Please advise what this estimate is based on? eg sales in the local area?
Please advise the date you are looking to complete the Buy Back?
Any message for Homesafe?
Click here to send to Homesafe!
Should be Empty: