Agreement: Tenancy will be denied if you misrepresent any information on the application. If misrepresentations are found after the rental agreement is signed, your rental agreement will be terminated. This is to advise that the undersigned hereby authorize Realty Executives Focus, the person or firm to whom my application has been submitted, to obtain a consumer credit report inquiriesforandinthe deemedincreditthattheinformationrental otherworthiness. andtomakeasdeterminingeligibilityassessingIunderstandsetoutapplication anynecessarytenancy may be used for purposes of responding to emergencies, ensuring the orderly management of the tenancy. complying with legal requirements and for collection purposes should rent be left owing or rental property damaged at termination of lease or end of tenancy. APPLICATION FEE: ONLY CHARGED IF LEASE IS SIGNED AND YOU MOVE INTO THE PROPERTY $50.00/PER APPLICANT + GST DUE 30 DAYS AFTER MOVE IN. NO COST NO OBLIGATION TO APPLY AND SEND!