I certify the insurance information I provided above is true, accurate and complete. I have read and understand the Fred Toenges Pedorthics Payment/Return Policy. I understand that Fred Toenges Pedorthics is acting solely as an agent for filing insurance benefits assigned to it. However, Fred Toenges Pedorthics assumes no responsibility for guaranteeing payment of covered charges. I authorize the release of any medical information necessary to process this claim through Fred Toenges Pedorthics. The products and/or services provided to me by Fred Toenges Pedorthics are subject to the supplier standards contained in the Federal regulations shown at 42 Code of Regulations Section 424.5(c). These standards concern business professional and operational matters (E.G. honoring warranties and hours of operation). The full text of these standards can be obtained at http://eefr.gpoaccess.gov. Upon request we will furnish you a written copy of the standards.