We find that a successful clinical project begins with a clear expression, understanding and acknowledgment of the shared expectations of the working relationship between HNMCP and [Client]. We welcome discussion with you to clarify these expectations.
I. What you can expect from us
A. Who we are. HNMCP is a part of the teaching program at Harvard Law School (“HLS”). It operates on a not-for-profit basis and has as its primary objective to teach HLS students participating in HNMCP how to apply the theory of negotiation and other dispute resolution processes in creative ways to help manage, resolve, or prevent disputes. HNMCP’s parallel mission is to provide its clients and partners with high-quality work product.
B. What we do. We offer dispute system design consulting services over the course of one academic semester (end of August to beginning of December, or end of January to beginning of May). The scope of the services we provide during the semester, including the project background, context, foreseen deliverables and project activities, and Client resources, are described in the Project Plan attached hereto (the “Project Plan”).
C. The project team. Work to accomplish the goals of the Project Plan will be performed by clinical students who are simultaneously enrolled in an introductory dispute systems design course. Students earn course credit for their clinical work. They are not paid for their efforts, and do not have professional accreditation. The project team will report to you regularly to keep you apprised of progress and will deliver the final work product to you at the end of the semester, as outlined in the Project Plan.
D. Our supervision of students. Your project will be supervised by HNMCP Director Rachel Viscomi or an HNMCP Clinical Instructor, who will oversee the work of the clinical students. We will:
- Ensure that placement with you is appropriate to student learning objectives.
- Ensure that each student is progressing in accordance with expectations.
- Meet with each student on a regular basis and otherwise as needed.
- Review student progress and work products associated with the placement.
- Evaluate student progress.
- Instruct each student involved with the Project Plan to maintain your confidentiality in accordance with your preferences.
- Manage project documents in accordance with your confidentiality preferences, both during and after the duration of the project.
E. Confidentiality. We will hold in strict confidence any nonpublic confidential information you share with HNMCP, and we will not disclose it outside the clinic without your consent, unless disclosure is required under applicable law. We will store project-related files, including data we receive from you, on a variety of secure platforms, including third-party cloud-based servers such as Microsoft Teams.
Unless you tell us otherwise, our promotional materials will disclose general, descriptive information about the nature of the services we are providing. We also may use information you provide to us, for internal educational purposes only, in the context of future HNMCP project design or development.
II. What we expect of you
A. Point of contact. You will make available a primary contact person to guide and facilitate the students’ progress during the semester. This person should be someone with an understanding of the Project Plan and the ability to meet with the project team on a regular basis to strategize and confer with the students about the project. We will also ask that you complete a brief survey evaluation of the project team twice during the semester (once at the mid-point and once at the end).
B. Information/resources to support the project. You will make available information, data, and resources as necessary during the course of the project and facilitate introductions to key personnel and stakeholders.
C. Once the project semester has begun, you will allow the students to continue their consultancy until the end of the semester. This does not impose any obligation to allow the students or HNMCP access to any part of your operations you wish to keep private. If you have concerns about a student on your project team, we ask that you raise those concerns with the project supervisor so that we may take appropriate action.
D. We include on our website a description of each of our projects. This helps give potential students and potential clients a sense of the scope and nature of our work. Our Program Coordinator, Tracy Blanchard, will send you a description crafted from the project proposal and ask for your approval or any edits you would like to make to this public facing text. We ask that before the beginning of the semester you return your approval or edits to Tracy, or let her know that you would prefer no public description of your project on our site.
E. Use of project deliverables. You are free to use any HNMCP work product for internal purposes as you see fit. If you use any HNMCP materials publicly, or publish materials that draw from HNMCP materials, you should reference HNMCP’s contribution. Given the educational nature of our mission, please understand that our work for you is done by students who are new to this field, and we are not responsible for any negative impact that may come from relying on HNMCP’s work. You should consider the suitability of our work product or advice before using it for business or private purposes.
F. Confidentiality. You should share with us any specific directives about anonymity or confidentiality at the earliest possible time.
III. Mutual Expectations
Given the nature of our work as consultants dedicated to advancing appropriate dispute resolution, if a dispute arises between us, you and we agree to work together in good faith to resolve the dispute before turning to civil action. This includes cooperating with each other to select a mutually acceptable means of resolving a dispute, participating in good faith in that process, and sharing the costs equally.
Should we accept your project, we will return a copy of this statement signed by us as well.